Gina Eilertson, DC

Dr. Gina has lived around the world settling in Oregon with her family. She graduated North Medford High School in 2008. During her time at North Medford, she competed on several sports teams and went to state finals 3 years in a row for her equestrian events. She then attended Oregon State University and graduated with her Bachelors of Science in Exercise and Sports Science with the Physical Therapy option.
After graduation from OSU in 2012 she attended Parker University in Dallas Texas. During her attendance at Parker, she was actively involved in tutoring other students in a wide array of topics ranging from Physiology, Biochemistry, adjusting techniques, and more. She was also served her University by holding the office of Student Body Secretary and helped the Executive Officers further Scholarships, improve practice adjusting equipment, and give the students more voice to improving the chiropractic program. She was also selected to serve on a 12 student team to supply chiropractic and medical support to the Susan G. Koman walkers in the November 2015 Dallas, Texas event.
Upon graduation she was selected from her class by the Faculty Staff and Administrators to receive the Dr. Robert J Czopoth Service and Leadership award. During the last 8 months of her schooling at Parker University she underwent an extensive post-doctoral training and testing to achieve her certification in the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association.
Dr. Gina was introduced to chiropractic in high school when her horse, Smokey Robin Bandit, was demonstrating signs of sub-clinical lameness. After he was adjusted, Dr. Gina and Bandit went on to win several local championship buckles and a trophy saddle. Dr. Gina then sought care herself for her chronic headaches, low back, and neck pain resulting for numerous falls as an equestrian.
To date, Dr. Gina is certified in Animal Chiropractic by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association, Fascial Movement Taping and Performance Movement Taping certified by Rock Tape, and Fascial Distortion Model upper body certified. In her spare time, Dr. Gina still enjoys riding and training her horses, reading, spending time with her two Malamute puppies, raising cows, and beekeeping.